Hero | he·ro : (n) a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

A Visionary hero: a person, using the Visionary 360 methodologies, who has taken their company to new boundaries and achievements.



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Meeting Invites – ConnectWise Manage

An onsite visit was scheduled with your client to fix their QuickBooks issue.  Your onsite tech Fred shows up and finds that Sue took the afternoon off, forgetting that she scheduled this very important support session.

We all know it will become your service teams fault that she didn’t remember, even though dispatch called to verify a couple days ago.  While there is only so much a service establishment can do in this situation, using tools and automation can at least try to help remedy future events.

ConnectWise added a meeting invite feature to service tickets a few revisions ago however many don’t know about this unique feature available to everyone.  No extra plugins, monthly fees, or module purchases required to use this feature.  Here is our quick guide for how to use the meeting invite feature.

Located on each service ticket, you will find the Resources & Meeting pod.  Resources is selected by default which is why most miss this function.

  1. Select Meetings.

  2. Add the name of the meeting:  This is what will show up in their calendar, so name this appropriately.
  3. Select who should get this meeting invite:  The ticket contact will automatically populate this field, should you need to add more simply use the drop down to source from the company contact list.
  4. The current resource(s) on this ticket will automatically populate this field; should you need to add more simply use the drop down to source from your company members.
  5. Select the start date, start time, end date and end time for the scheduled function.
  6. Select where this will occur:  Onsite, remote are the two typical selections.
  7. If required change the reminder and status to firm.

  8. Select the PREPARE INVITE button.  A window will pop up.  Place any details about the scheduled event:  Put the time and date along with what the meeting is about and don’t forget to include a url and code if this is for a remote session.

  9. Select SEND.  The meeting invite will be sent.

The schedule will show if someone has declined or accepted.

What the meeting invite doesn’t do is allow the customer contact to select a date and time.  This is an advanced feature which means bringing a third party plugin to ConnectWise Manage.  If you desire this functionality then take a look at TimeZest – www.timezest.com and spin up a trial.  Use code “Visionary360” for an exclusive discount offer.


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Visionary 360 comprises seasoned coaches specializing in the technology sector, particularly IT Service Providers, to enhance tool implementation with a financial focus.

As problem solvers who relish challenges, we delight in assisting individuals while enjoying the journey. Our client relationships are familial, and we take pride in witnessing their companies thrive. Witnessing our clients prosper is our greatest reward. To learn more about Visionary 360, visit our website at visionary360.com or schedule an introductory meeting to discuss your needs.

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